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  • The Board of the Parent, Teacher, Staff Organization (PTSO) would like to welcome all families to Peabody Charter School. We hope that you will get involved with your school and volunteer at any of Peabody’s events or functions as we could not have all of the wonderful programs that we have without your assistance.

  • Parent, Teacher and Staff members make up the PTSO.

  • We organize fundraisers, community events and projects that help grow our community and raise much needed funds for our school.

  • We welcome you to our meetings held the second Monday of the month at 5:30 pm in the Library.

  • YES!!! Your feedback and support at meetings helps direct our events. And PTSO is a great way for you to keep up with events at our school.

  • The money raised from PTSO as well as other school organizations go to support our school enrichment programs. Programs like art, ceramics, music, performing arts and physical education.

To get involved or if you have any questions, please contact any of the PTSO Board members at or by joining the PTSO group on Parentsquare.